When you are going on vacation sometimes you just don’t want to take your phone with or at the very least you don’t want to take it with you everywhere you go while you are with your family touring around. You are trying to relax, have fun and get away from the hustle and bustle of your daily life back …
The 4 Best Ways to Travel around Europe
Trying to determine how you want to travel around Europe is one of the biggest decisions you will have to make before you go. Since there are so many ways to travel around Europe from hitchhiking to private jets (neither way will be talked about here) and a few ways in between, I am going to go over just those …
Which is Better Global Entry or TSA Precheck?
When it comes to travel, one of the most dreaded circumstances is arriving at the airport and having to face extremely long lines, especially during busy times of the year. The best case scenario, you to have to arrive hours early and stand begrudgingly in line as they filter through tons of people ahead of you, doing the usual routine: …
How to Use Your Cell Phone Overseas – A Useful Guide
I was on a recent trip to Paris and before I left I was wondering how I could keep my cell phone bill to a minimum but at the same time be able to use it when and where I want. Being directionally challenged, having access to Google maps was important so here is what I found out about using …
5 Best Toiletry Bags for Men and Women
One of the more important items that need to go with you whenever and wherever you travel is the Toiletry Bag or Dopp Kit (a type of toiletry bag where there is a central zipper at the top of the bag ) . And although you COULD go without one and decide to go with the zip lock bag route, …